Landscaping Enquiries Welcome, and thank you for choosing HP Landscapes Ltd! We are excited to begin the journey to the garden of your dreams – please fill out the form below so we can get together samples and ideas before our first meeting. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name * (Option)FirstLastProperty Address * (Option)Phone number *Email * (Option)Sign up to our newsletterYesNot right nowfor discounts and offers, tips and tricks and latest news!Which part of the garden are you looking to have done * (Option)FrontBackBothWhat is the approximate dimension of the garden? Small/medium/large * (Option)What are you looking to have done * (Option)PavingDeckingDrivewayArtificial grassReturfingFencingOutdoor storage - bin/bike storeRaised bedsPlanting planIrrigation systemLightingWater featureGarden clearanceOtherTick as many that applyOtherWhat are the main uses of your garden? * (Option)Outside diningEntertainmentKids play areaRelaxingSocialisingPet friendlyVegetable/herb/fruit gardenEco-friendlySensoryOtherOtherWhat budget do you have in mind? * (Option)Less that £5,000£5,000-£10,000£10,000-£30,000£30,000 +FlexibleWhat time scales do you have for your project? *As soon as possible/urgent repairsSummer 2022FlexibleOther - please let us know in the box belowWe are currently booked up until June 2022Any additional information you'd like us to know before we book an appointment? * (Option)Would you be interested in on-going maintenance? *YesNoWhere did you hear about HP Landscapes? * (Option)GoogleWord of mouthSocial mediaSeen one of our vansOtherSubmit